Operating Requirements: Part 4 – Best Practice Tips

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This aviation blog post is part of a series on unique airport and country considerations and continues from our last article entitled “Operating Requirements: Part 3 – Particular Restrictions.

An international check list is always an effective tool when planning an international trip. Ensure you have all required overflight and landing permits, consider aircraft parking and security at destination and be sure you have all required documentation onboard in the event of a ramp check at a foreign location.

The following is a compilation of different locations to provide you with an overview of differing requirements for airports or countries:

1. Always ensure all operating requirements have been met

Best practice is always to “know before you go.” Regardless of the number of times you may have flown to a particular location, it’s always recommended to check with a 3rd-party provider on particular and current requirements for the location. Remember that every trip is unique and may have differing requirements. What you needed on the previous trip may be different from what’s required for this trip so it’s always worthwhile to confirm all requirements in advance. Also, starting the trip process 15-30 days in advance when possible will allow you to determine requirements and make any needed changes to documentation required for your trip.

2. Penalties for missing or erroneous information

If information you provide for a permit is incorrect or incomplete, your permit application will likely be denied. If you run into a permit issue on the day of operation, be aware that the appropriate office to approve/disapprove your flight may be closed. You may be faced with rescheduling your flight. In some cases there may be fines involved, if provided information is incomplete or erroneous, at the discretion of local airport authorities. In other cases, crew/passengers may be detained, or your aircraft may be held on the ground, until information in question can be confirmed.

3. Additional operating tips

Try to provide all required information pertaining to a trip well in advance. Missing data will most likely lead to delays and even permit denials – especially if you’re within permit lead times for a particular location. Review all aircraft/crew documentation on a quarterly basis to ensure it has not expired or is close to expiry. This will allow you time to obtain updated or corrected documentation prior to day of operation. Many international locations, for example, require at least six months remaining validity on passports. Don’t forget to review your worldwide insurance policy for any exclusions that may impact travel to your planned destinations. Also, review your company ops manual for any internal restrictions that may prohibit flight to, or overflight of, certain destinations/countries.

4. Additional Reading: Operating Requirements

Note: Links will be updated as articles are published.


When planning international operations, particularly to locations you’ve not visited before, it’s best to begin the trip planning process 15 – 30 days in advance. Short notice or last minute trip planning runs a higher risk of something getting missed or denied due to lack to appropriate notice. The most successful international operations are invariably those that are well researched in advance and planned with sufficient lead time to secure all permits and avoid day-of-operation issues.


If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your next trip, contact me at greglinton@univ-wea.com.

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