Arranging Aviation Fuel, Security, and Services in Singapore

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Arranging Aviation Fuel, Security, and Services in Singapore

This is a post by author Yvonne Chan. Yvonne is Managing Director for Universal Aviation Singapore, which has aircraft ground-handling facilities in Seletar. Yvonne is an expert on business aircraft operations in Singapore and can be contacted at

This business aviation blog post is part of a series on operating in Singapore and continues from our last article: “FAQs on Arranging Ground Handling in Singapore.

For business aircraft operators planning a trip to Singapore, it’s recommended to always work through your 3rd-party provider or local ground handler to arrange aviation fuel, security, and additional services. With sufficient notice (usually 24 hours), just about any service you may require is doable. Here is some information arranging these services to help you with your planning.

1. What’s the aviation fueling process in Singapore?

Your ground handler can set up fuel arrangements or confirm your fuel release with the appropriate fuel provider. Various fees are associated with fuel uplifts (throughput fee, into-plane fee, administration fee and hook-up fee), and your delivery ticket will state quantity in liters. Ideally, 24 hours’ notice should be provided for fuel uplift. It’s best to arrange a fuel truck to stand by on arrival, or you may have to wait 20 minutes or so to uplift. For tech stops, Changi (WSSS) is the preferred option, as fuel prices are lower and the runway is longer. Airport slots, however, are always required for WSSS and at least 24 hours’ advance notice is suggested.

2. What forms of fuel payment and credit are accepted?

Aviation fuel cards, fuel releases, cash (USD or local currency), and ground handler credit are accepted for fuel payment. If you pay for fuel with USD, it may take time to convert USD to local currency. If paying by credit card or cash, you’ll pay posted price as opposed to contract price.

3. Do any vendors need to be contacted prior to arrival?

Any auxiliary services will need to be arranged before the crew arrives to avoid delays. Crew and passenger transportation should be confirmed with your ground handler in advance so that transport companies can be updated on estimated time of arrival. For last-minute requests, there may be delays (for example, in organizing fuel uplift).

4. Are in-flight caterers located at the airports around Singapore?

There’s a good in-flight caterer at WSSS. At Seletar (WSSL), you’ll need to pre-arrange catering delivery, as there are no on-site in-flight caterers. If you prefer to source catering from a restaurant, your ground handler can assist with the order, payment, and delivery airside. Catering menus are available upon request.

5. Are rental car facilities located at all airports?

The only on-airport rental car facility is at WSSS (located in the main terminal). You’ll pick up the car at the main terminal after arrival. While there aren’t any rental car facilities at WSSL, cars can be pre-arranged and delivered to the airfield with ground handler coordination.

6. What type of security is in place?

Both WSSS and WSSL are surrounded by a three-meter fence with regular armed 24- hour security patrols. There’s also surveillance at both airports. Unarmed private security is permitted on the ramp, but they must be escorted at all times by airport police. If you require armed security at your aircraft, it must be arranged through the airport police. Also, all passengers, crew, and luggage are screened via x-ray machine before allowed access airside.

7. Is ramp access difficult to arrange?

Security clearance to access the ramp takes up to five business days to approve. You’ll need to provide airport police with names, nationality, passport information, and the purpose of requested airside access. You do not require a ramp access pass if you arrive in Singapore on the aircraft as crew and do not leave Singapore. The moment you leave the country and return, you’ll lose access privileges and need five business days to apply for a ramp access permit.


Singapore is a relatively easy operating environment from a ground handling and airport services perspective. Security in this country, both on- and off-airport, is excellent. Consider the pros and cons of the two available general aviation airport options, and be sure to enjoy the one-of-a-kind Singaporean cuisine.


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Later we’ll discuss airport slot considerations for Singapore.

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